Best Strategy To Win Casino

Casino games are all based on random chance. Even the players at a poker table don’t know which cards will be played next and many a poker strategy entails folding before you get too deep into betting if you have a weak hand. That’s a great lesson to keep in mind when you think about any type of gambling strategy because the element of the unknown sooner or later renders all strategies moot.

Nonetheless most experienced players fall into comfort zones where they feel like they have some control over the outcomes of their games of chance. This tendency to trust in the zone is just another form of the Gambler’s Fallacy. If you really want to gamble then why not try a few strategies that fall outside of your comfort zone? There are some pretty interesting things you can do without sacrificing the statistical position you want to maintain in facing down the house edge.

In fact, there are even acknowledged ways of reducing the house advantage but they are few and far between. Gambling would be very boring and monotonous if everyone played the same games the same ways. So in the spirit of “no risk, no reward” here are a few strategies that will keep the pundits arguing for weeks and the players scratching their heads over what you are doing. You don’t have to give up anything other than a habitual style of play.

The Reverse Martingale strategy is the best strategy n my opinion. It has a predictable amount of play time, offers a fair chance to win really big, and has great expected value. However, this is not suitable for live play in most cases due to the basic bet size needing to be small (unless you have a really big budget), which is a problem because of the bet size limits of land-based casinos. 11 Blackjack Tips the Casinos Don't Want You to Know. Never believe you're on a winning streak and never over-bet or make foolish plays. Which makes Blackjack the best game to play in the.

If you like these strategies enough to add them to your comfort zone you’ll find you can change things up when other players fall into a rut. Even if that doesn’t give you an advantage over the house you’ll at least be less likely to get bored.

1. Never Play Blackjack Again

Blackjack has earned a lot of respect among gamblers because, unlike most other casino games, you can bring some skill to the table. The pundits are most likely to tell you that the house edge in blackjack is pretty good, too. But there is one problem with standard blackjack: it’s not the most generous version of this game that you can play.

Although most people have learned to avoid single deck blackjack games that pay only 6:5 odds the majority of players are most comfortable in playing standard blackjack with 6 to 8 decks in the shoe because they like those 3:2 odds. But there is another way to enjoy this game with a slight advantage over the usual blackjack player.

If your casino offers Spanish 21 you should try it out. Although there are several rule differences between regular blackjack and Spanish 21 the most distinctive difference is that the Spanish 21 game is played without any 10 point cards. In other words, a Spanish 21 deck has 48 cards (all the face cards are left in) instead of 52 cards. By removing those 10 point cards the game reduces the chances of either player or dealer drawing a natural 21.

The downside to playing Spanish 21 is that the theoretical house edge is about 3% versus the 1% in standard blackjack. But cheer up! There are some unusual rewards in Spanish 21. Foremost among those player advantages is the fact that players always win 21 to 21. Even when the dealer has a blackjack you win if you also have a blackjack. Better yet, the house pays 3:2 on player blackjack instead of a push.

You can also split Aces a second time in Spanish 21. Okay, you may not be very likely to be dealt three or four Aces but in the rare event when this happens you can split again.

Why play Spanish 21 if the house edge is worse than in standard blackjack? There is really too much discussion of “the house edge” among gambling pundits. Technically the edge is only realized across a large number of bets, which means the house sometimes does better than you expect and sometimes worse. That volatility is a good thing because it means that sometimes players can win a lot of money.

Instead of comparing house edge statistics look at the flexibility and greater rewards you get when you play Spanish 21. It will break you out of your comfort zone but you’ll be happily surprised when you are paid better odds for some combinations that don’t pay well in regular blackjack.

You just may never want to play blackjack again.

2. Only Play in Tournaments

This strategy is fairly well known. Almost every basic strategy pundit tells you to only play in tournaments at some point in time. That is because if you just pay a flat fee up front but win the tournament the value of the prize could be substantially more than your buy in fee. Even slot game tournaments can be rewarding for the first, second, and third place players.

What makes tournament play really interesting is that you can plan ahead for the buy in. This almost reduces your gambling to a predictable wager. Of course, you may want to gamble more than the tournaments allow so limiting yourself to only playing tournaments may not be practical.

Joining tournaments allows you to gamble on two levels, and that additional risk may make the tournament experience more satisfying for you.

3. Play One on One with the Dealer Whenever Possible

Casinos don’t like it when you are the only player at the blackjack table. Part of the casino’s advantage is derived from the dealer playing against several customers at the same time. Whether you count cards or not, you will see less volatility in the distribution of the cards if you are the only player facing the dealer.

The pit boss may close other tables or send over some house players to fill up your table if you get a lucky break and can play the dealer by yourself. Don’t get upset when this happens.

Why does it matter how many players are at the table? Because your chances of getting those high value cards decline as more people draw from the shoe. When it’s just you and the dealer you have an even chance of drawing the cards you need. As more people join the table your chances drop radically.

The dealer doesn’t need to draw high value cards as often as the individual players do. That is because the dealer wins every time a player busts. Hence, if you play a conservative game in a one on one situation with a dealer you have a pretty good setup. But the house advantage will never fully vanish. Sometimes all you are going to get for a third card is a bust card and there is nothing you can do about that.

4. Play Two of Three Outside Bets at Once in Roulette

Gaming pundits like to pick on roulette and there are surely many good reasons to dissuade you from playing a game that is cleverly designed to emphasize high risk bets. Most of the betting options on the table are the single numbers and players tend to think in terms of betting only on single numbers when playing the inside.

Savvy players may play the lines in roulette but even when you bet on six numbers the house has a huge advantage over you, and the odds are terrible, too.

Your best chances of winning in conventional roulette strategy guides are to play the “safe” outside bets: black or red, odd or even. Pundits reluctantly agree you can also place bets in the 1/3 categories: 1st twelve, 2nd twelve, and 3rd twelve numbers. These 1/3 groups each pay 2 to 1 odds.

You can improve your chances of winning by playing 2 groups. You reduce the odds to even payoff when you do this but you get a better coverage with this kind of bet (24 numbers) versus the standard safe bets (18 numbers), which also pay even money.

So which way would you like to bet: win even money for betting on 18 numbers or win even money for betting on 24 numbers? Do the math. You may never bet black or even again.

5. Only Play Max Lines in Slot Games

The so-called “penny” slot games have been evolving since they first appeared. The game manufacturers have added more and more pay lines to these games and now they even add more screens to handle more pay lines. Early versions of these games allowed you to choose how many pay lines are active during spins. While this may have seemed like a generous gesture to the players who felt uncomfortable placing bets on 15, 20, or 25 pay lines the reality was that the theoretical return to player was brutally reduced to very low levels.

If you only play 1 out of 25 active pay lines you will almost never win. It’s not the same as playing a single pay line slot game. Players who try to conserve their money by playing fewer pay lines are in fact throwing it away. That is because the games are designed to pay the best percentage when all the pay lines are active.

The multi pay line games often provide better theoretical return to player percentages than the older single pay lines, too. If the pay table shows you an RTP better than 96% your game is approaching Spanish 21, roulette, and blackjack territory.

Slot games may not be your gambling game of choice but most people play them eventually. If you choose more recent slot games that have fixed pay lines (you cannot deactivate them) you can enjoy some quiet time spinning the reels without taking much more risk than if you were playing cards.

6. Play Keno Instead of Other Games

If you know anything about which casino games are recommended then you know keno is at the very bottom of the list along with all other lottery style games. So how can playing keno be a good strategy to recommend in place of other games? Well, as a regular gambling activity it’s still not recommended but most people when calculating just how bad keno is usually go after the large pick options and don’t look at the probabilities on the lower pick options. But there is another component to this “insane” strategy.

First, let’s take a look at the worst and best case scenarios. In a typical keno game you can usually select 2 numbers to 10 numbers. The rule of thumb is that the more numbers you pick the worse your chances of winning become, although the payoff odds improve. Who would not want to pick 10 numbers that are drawn in keno? Of course, that is the appeal behind keno and most players seem to go for the big win rather than the more achievable wins.

If you are going to play keno you had better do some number crunching and look at which pick options offer the best chances for winning. Now the probabilities can vary from casino to casino because there are a few variations on the game. For example, in one version of the game you may be able win something for getting two of the three numbers in a Pick 3 whereas in another version of the game you may not be able to get something for two out of three. The casino publishes a win table that explains the odds for you.

The best versions of the game pay at least a little bit for getting some of your numbers. The fewer numbers you are required to choose in order to get at least 2 winning combinations the better. Say, for example, you can play a Pick 5 and win for 5 numbers, 4 numbers, and 3 numbers. That’s a pretty good payback spread. It’s not great, most modern slot machine games offer better theoretical returns to player, but you’re in the realm of 70% to 75% RTP with this kind of option. If you can play a Pick 4 you might feel that’s a little less risky. In fact, in some versions of the game Pick 4 offers the second best theoretical return to player if it allows for three catches that pay prizes (4 numbers, 3 numbers, and 2 numbers).

So having selected your preferred Pick, why on Earth would you choose to play keno if the best theoretical return you can hope for is about 70% to 75%? That’s quite simple, really. You are going to stop gambling for a while. Take a break. Go eat something, or take in a show. One great thing about keno is that it is a slow round game. You only see a few drawings per hour at most and this is a way to gamble while you are not gambling. Keno is completely passive, even more so than playing a slot machine.

Among the numerous money management schemes that gaming pundits recommend to players is to slow down your rate of play. That’s impossible to do at a card table because the dealer has to keep the action going for the other players (and the pit boss is watching). And it’s not possible at the other table games for the same reason. It’s theoretically possible for you to slow down your slot play but that Spin button is sitting there right in front of you and frankly you will sit too long if you just play the slots all night.

So get up, walk around, lay down $10 on a few keno cards with Pick 4 or Pick 5 numbers, and then go relax. Get something to eat. Take care of business. You’re still gambling but not risking much and you have almost as good a chance of breaking even or winning a small amount of cash as if you played a few rounds of the slots. This is all for fun anyway, right?

7. Don’t Pass in Craps and Lay Odds

Craps is the most complicated game in the universe and it’s also considered one of the most player unfriendly table games if you try to use all the fancy bets. Just about every introduction to craps tells you that the best bets are the Pass and Don’t Pass line and that you should always Take The Odds if you bet Pass or Lay The Odds if you Don’t Pass.

These plays are simple, you almost don’t have to think about them, and everyone recommends them. But most players choose to bet Pass because they want to support the guy throwing the dice. Opinions vary on all this but in comparing the two options the biggest drawback to betting Don’t Pass is that you may lose on the Come Out roll.

Now you might be looking at how players win with Pass and Don’t Pass on the Come Out roll and thinking, “You win with 2 numbers either way. Why is Pass the better bet?” It’s because to win on the Come Out roll with a Pass bet you need a 7 or 11. There are eight ways the dice can fall to get one of those two numbers. To win with a Don’t Pass bet you need a 2 or 3 and there are only three ways to get one of those two numbers, so the shooter has a better chance of rolling 7 or 11 (and that is why in movies people are usually yelling, “Come on seven!”).

However, after you get past the Come Out roll Don’t Pass starts to look pretty sweet compared to the Pass bet. That is because after the shooter establishes his Point the Don’t Pass bettor wins about 2/3 of the time whereas the Pass bettor wins about 1/3 of the time. So you can make up the lost opportunity on the Come Out roll with Don’t Pass on the Point.

The Pass bettor Takes the Odds by placing additional chips on his first bet. The Don’t Pass bettor Lays the Odds by placing chips next to his first bet. This is not the same as playing the odds where you place another bet on the colorful dice representations in the Odds box. This is one of the reasons why craps confuses some players.

Taking Odds on a Pass bet pays better than Laying Odds on a Don’t Pass bet, but you’re more likely to win on the Don’t Pass bet. In fact, that advantage is exactly why the casino pays less money for Don’t Pass bets.

8. Use a 17 Second Delay between Spins

Slowing down slot game play is not easy but there is a mathematically valid reason to do it other than that you lose money at a slower rate. This is not a betting system that promises you will win more often. This is a system that increases the volatility of your play. It is based on the way random number generation algorithms work.

There are two things you should understand about random number generators, those complicated little chips that all modern slot machine games depend on to determine where the reels stop spinning. First is that we don’t yet have the science to produce a truly random number via a mathematical algorithm. Second, the numbers generated by these chips are drawn from huge pools of possible results which makes them more than random enough to be unpredictable in casino game play. That is why the chips are allowed and regulated in most if not all gaming jurisdictions around the world.

This insane strategy is designed for slot players who believe the random number generators fall into patterns. The likelihood of that happening is relatively small but because the random numbers are not truly random it is possible. What happens is that the generated numbers fall into what is termed a “local pattern”. This means that for a short run they do follow some sort of pattern. This is okay because you never see the random numbers or how they are used. That black box effect ensures that the slot game is honest. But let’s take a closer look at how this black box effect is achieved.

The random number generator is constantly producing new numbers. Each new number is placed in a part of the chip’s memory called a “register”. The number waits there for a fraction of a second and is then replaced by another number. Meanwhile the machine is running its game software. When you spin the reels one the game begins fetching random numbers from the RNG’s registers. In the United States a random number is required for each reel and those numbers are used to determine where the reels stop spinning. In other jurisdictions a single random number is used to determine the outcome of the game.

The idea behind the 17 second delay is that after the reels stop spinning and you are awarded your prize you count off 17 seconds. A watch is really good for this but a smart phone can do it, too. In a pinch if you just count slowly by saying (or thinking) “one thousand one, one thousand two, etc.” that will be good enough.

Waiting 17 seconds after each spin increases the chances that you move out of any local pattern in fewer spins. The local pattern might be randomly awarding you a lot of prizes or it might be handing you a lot of losing spins. You have no way of knowing if this rare phenomenon is occurring but if you feel like you’re stuck in a random number rut you can change up the game by pausing and taking your time in between spins. And as it so happens this insane strategy falls in line with most money management strategies, which suggest that you slow down your rate of play to conserve money.

But why pause for 17 seconds? Why not choose, say, 5 seconds? That’s a good question and the answer may seem a little lame to you. 17 is a prime number and in any algorithm that attempts to randomize activity it’s much easier if you base your computations on a prime. The larger the prime number the better. You could choose a prime like 53 seconds but most people will give up before that many seconds ticks away. In 17 seconds your slot game’s RNG could cycle through hundreds or thousands of new numbers.

Also, when you force yourself to stop and count to 17 in between spins of the reels you shake off some of the mental cobwebs that form from clicking on Spin repeatedly. This strategy helps you stay aware of the passing of time while you’re in a casino, and that is always to your advantage. In the long run you won’t see any better or worse chances of winning with the 17 second strategy but you’ll have more control over your actions and your money.


There are crazy gambling strategies, dumb gambling strategies, and crazy dumb or just plain stupid strategies. We want to shake things up a little bit without increasing our risk (or losses) by using alternative strategies. The usual gambling advice you find in books and blogs starts to look homogenous and boring after a while. If you are gambling for entertainment you will be more open to changing things up and trying a new approach. That helps to keep your gaming experience fresh and interesting.

And the up side of playing an insane strategy is that if you are not satisfied with the results you can switch back to gaming the way you are more comfortable playing. But do give these strategies a try. You just may fall in love with them simply because they are different from the usual tips and tidbits.

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Which roulette strategies really work, which eventually lose, and WHY? Here are the roulette tips and facts every player should know.

A roulette strategy is any method that aims to win at roulette. In most cases it’s a set of mechanical rules that tell the player when and where to bet. There are more strategies to win roulette than any other casino game, but the vast majority of players consistently lose. This is partly because most roulette tips pages focus on casino promotion, rather than accurate tips.

This page gives a simple explanation of which roulette strategies work, which fail, and why. There is an emphasis on “why”, so you understand and stop wasting time on losing strategies.

Why Most Roulette Strategies Lose

Most do not even consider where the ball will land. It may seem absurd, considering that roulette is all about a wheel and ball.

An example of such a system is consider betting on RED. If you lose, you double your bet on RED for the next spin. If you lose again, you increase your bet again and so on until you profit or lose everything. Let’s have a look at what happens after a few spins:

Bet 1 unit on Red > LOSE

Bet 2 units on Red > LOSE

Bet 4 units on Red > LOSE

Bet 8 units on Red > LOSE

Very quickly the bet size increases. Is there any scientific and viable reason why red would spin next? No. And even if there was, this strategy certainly doesn’t consider it. Simply the odds of red and black spinning are always the same. It doesn’t matter even if you had 100 blacks in a row. The odds of red or black spinning next don’t change. Intermediate players may understand this, but they are stuck thinking that eventually they are due to win. The fact is eventually you will win, but this doesn’t mean you will profit. Why is explained below.

The problems with progression strategies are:

1. Eventually you will reach the table maximum bet. When you do, you won’t be able to increase bets large enough to cover losses.

2. Even when you win, the payout is still unfair. For example consider the European wheel has 37 pockets, but the payout is 35 to 1. If the payouts were fair, they would be 36 to 1 so that one win in 37 spins leaves you with no change in bankroll.

Even if you eventually win, the above two points guarantee you will lose. Of course you might get lucky, but eventually your luck will run out.

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Facts vs Fiction: Common False Beliefs Explained

It makes sense that knowing basic facts will help. But most players are still stuck believing nonsense. So this section lists the most common false beliefs, backed up by plain fact.

FACT: Previous spins do not affect future spins

If we had 100 reds in a row, the chances of red or black spinning next don’t change. To test this principle for yourself, check spin history and find streaks of red or black. Then check how many times red or black spins next. Test enough spins and you’ll find the odds haven’t changed. In this sense, previous spins have no connection to future spins. However, there is still some connection, which is the physical variables. But most players don’t even attempt to utilize the connections.

FACT: You cannot use a “long term balance”


If you tested 10,000 spins, usually you’ll have approximately an even amount of red and blacks. So it may seem reasonable to assume you could check the previous spins and bet on whichever color spun least. Let’s assume there was no green zero for now. For example, say you checked 1000 previous spins and saw there were 600 reds and 400 blacks. So you then bet on black expecting more blacks to spin because of an “evening out effect”.

It doesn’t work that way because:

  1. If there were more reds than black, it could be because of wheel defects making red spin more. So betting on black would be worse than random bets.
  2. You only tested 1,000 spins. How do you know the past 100,000 spins didn’t include an opposite trend like 60,000 blacks and 40,000 reds?

The first point is more relevant. The second point is assuming the roulette wheel is conscious and wants to try and “even the outcomes” somehow. As far as I know, the roulette wheel isn’t conscious and doesn’t make decisions.

FICTION: Betting Progression Helps You Win (Changing Bet Size)

Changing bet size is called “progression”. Positive progression is increasing bet size after losses, and negative progression is decreasing bet size after losses. They just don’t work. Ask yourself this: Does changing your bet size influence the winning number? No, of course not. The wheel and ball have nothing to do with your bets.

If you’re like most players, your strategy would be to use a trigger, then betting progression. A trigger is simply an event you wait to occur before betting. For example, the trigger may be wait for 3 REDS to spin in a row. Your bet would then be doubling bet size until you win. But again this wont work because the odds haven’t changed, the payouts are the same, and all you’re doing is making difference size bets on independent spins.

Because progression is popular, it needs special attention. Here’s a typical betting progression:

Bet 1 unit on red: LOSS

Bet 2 units in red: LOSS

Bet 4 units on red: LOSS

Bet 8 units on red: WIN

In this example, the player doubles bet size after losses. The player thinks they’ll “eventually win” and profit. They think their “chain of betting” helps them win. But in reality they’re making a series of independent bets with these odds:

1 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

2 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

4 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

8 unit bet, odds 18/37, payout 1:1

Most players don’t understand is this is no different to 4 different players making 4 different bets. And the odds of winning and payout are the same regardless. So what has the player changed with progression? Absolutely nothing except the amount they bet. The chances of winning or losing are the same on each spin. So if your system doesn’t win with flat betting (no progression), then it will fail with progression.

So does a progression help you win? It’s like asking whether or not changing bet size help you win or lose. You could get lucky and win big, OR you could be unlucky and LOSE EVEN MORE. Progression is a double-edged sword, and the casino still has the advantage.

FICTION: You can build a system around a “rare event” that you’ll never see in your lifetime

Another common mistake is believing you can use progression to win before a “rare event” happens. It’s incorrect because the odds still haven’t changed. Your perception of a “rare” event is actually something that will eventually happen in enough spins.

For example, you may have never seen these winning numbers in a row: 1,2,3,4,5. But chances are you’ve never seen this sequence either: 32,4,18,9,1. If you see enough spins, they will happen exactly the same amount of times. Each sequence is just as rare as the other.

Another example is expecting you’ll never see 37 different numbers appear in 37 spins. Firstly, it will happen just as often as any other sequence of 37 spins. So why would you favor one group of 37 numbers over another 37 numbers? There is no difference at all. Each spin is independent and with the same odds. It’s exactly the same as expecting to never see four reds in a row (RRRR). It may occur less often than a mixed sequence like BRRB or RBRB, but the odds of any specific sequence happening are exactly the same. So thinking one sequence is more rare than another is delusion.

Put another way, imagine waiting many years to see the spin sequence 1,2,3,4,5. It seems really rare, and you bet that #6 wont spin next. But actually the odds of #6 spinning next are the same as any other number. Run some proper simulations and you’ll see no matter how you play it, you cannot change your odds by betting that rare events wont happen.

FICTION: An eventual win helps you profit

Yes a win will eventually happen, but how much have you lost while waiting for the win? The amount you lost is because of the house edge, which I’ll explain later.

FICTION: Bankroll Management Helps You Win

Unless your roulette strategy changes the odds of you winning, bankroll management will only make you lose at a faster or slower rate. Specifically positive progression will make you lose faster, and negative progression makes your bankroll last longer (because your bets get smaller).

Why doesn’t bankroll management help? Because it just controls the amount you bet. The wheel doesn’t care what you are betting. Your bet size doesn’t influence it. Your bets are not changing the odds or payouts.

FICTION: You Only Need a Short-Term Winning Strategy

There are many strategies that aim to win perhaps +1 unit each day. It will hardly cover the cost of car parking. But still let’s use this as an example and say your goal was to win just +1 unit. It seems simple enough, right? Many players have claimed they have a holy grail that will win a set amount per day, but the strategy’s rules require you to leave after winning the target amount.

Ask yourself:

  1. If the strategy worked, wouldn’t playing more mean winning more?
  2. What if 10,000 players all used the same system? Would they all win +1 unit?
  3. What if 1 player used the same system 10,000 times?

A roulette strategy either wins in the long-term, or loses in the long-term. Whether you bet on just 1 spin, or 1,000 spins, the casino will have the same edge over you. That is unless you are able to change the odds of winning.

FICTION: Roulette has streaks you can use for advantage

Even with numbers from a random number generator, there will inevitably be times where the same number spins several times in a row. This is simple statistics, and such “freaky streaks” are bound to happen eventually. The odds of 0 spinning three times in a row are 1 in 50653. But what are the odds of 0,0 then 2 spinning? . . . Also 1 in 50653. So ask yourself, why would you bet 0 after it had spun twice consecutively?

The same concept applies to any other bet. For example, you may wait for the first dozen to spin three times consecutively, then bet on the second and third dozens. But the odds of each dozens spinning next haven’t changed at all.

FICTION: A strategy that “lasts” for 20,000 spins is better than most systems

A strategy will either lose or win in the long term. If you use a negative progression where you decrease bet size after losses, you can make your bankroll last longer. But the end result will still be a loss.

Alternatively, you could wait for rare “triggers” that mean you skip many spins before betting. Then you apply an aggressive betting progression and may get lucky with a big win. The result of this is a lot of spins will occur, but you rarely bet. So you can last many thousands of spins without blowing your bankroll. This doesn’t make the system good. It just makes a losing strategy more boring to use. A strategy like this on a bankroll trend chart will show a lot of dramatic up and down bankroll spikes.

If you have a good roulette system tester, try creating a system with random bets. You’ll find that even occasionally it will be profitable testing over 20,000 spins. It doesn’t mean the system “works”. It just means you got lucky. Try repeating the test a few times. Certainly there would be many players around using totally ineffective strategies, who have still profited purely from luck. Most players will never play 10,000 spins in their life, and it is still easily possible to profit after 10,000 spins with a losing system from luck. Reality may catch up with them eventually, or they may end their roulette career with a profit despite an ineffective strategy.

FICTION: A Strategy That Mostly Wins Is All You Need

Let’s say you had a simple system and you are mostly winning with it. Let’s say you profit 80% of the time. So out of 5 days of play, you profit 4 of the days, and lose 1 of the days. The results may be:

Day 1: +100 units

Day 2: +50 units

Day 3: +20 units

Day 4: +100 units

Day 5: -300 units

So you were doing quite well, until that rare occurrence eventually happened. And only if that rare occurrence didn’t happen, right? Maybe next time you won’t be so unlucky.

The casinos don’t profit by being lucky. They profit because of a long-term advantage called the “house edge”. The roulette strategies that work don’t rely on luck either.

FICTION: Waiting for a trigger to bet increases your chances of winning

You will either have a positive or negative edge, and waiting for something to happen like a sequence of numbers will not improve your chances of winning. The exception is if the “trigger” is directly related to a sequence of spins caused by physical variables of the wheel and ball. For example, if the trigger was “bet on whatever number that won most in 10,000 spins”, then this is bias analysis. But the “triggers” that have no effect are like “wait for 5 reds in a row then bet black”.

FICTION: Winning after you reach your target profit for the day helps ensure daily profits

It makes no difference if you play 1 spin a day for 100 days, or 100 spins in 1 day. It’s still 100 spins. The odds of you winning or losing are the same in either case.

FICTION: Skipping spins you bet on can help you profit in the long term

If you tested a system over 1,000 spins, your “trigger” may require you to bet on only 200 spins (20% of spins). If you profited, it doesn’t mean you’ve won over 1,000 spins. It means you’ve won over just 200 spins.

The Illusion of a Winning System

The casino thrives on delusions and illusions. They wouldn’t be able to profit if people knew the truth about what did and didn’t work. Here’s an example of the delusions from players that keep casinos in business.

Say there were 1,000 players all applying the same system in different casinos, each of them unaware of each other. Now after a week of play, the collective results are:

48% of players win a total of $480,000. These players are convinced they have a winning system.

52% of players lose a total of $500,000. These players are back to the drawing board and start working on a new system.

The casino takes the profit of $20,000 and doesn’t care who won or lost. They only need more losers than winners. But the casino need winners to keep hope alive, so gamblers keep coming back. The winnings paid are like an investment for the casino.

Keep in mind that I was once one of the deluded losers too. I won most of the time and thought I had beaten roulette. I thought I had a winning strategy and that I could effortlessly milk the casinos. But the delusion was revealed with further play.

Bankroll Trend Charts Are Almost Useless

A growing bankroll like below looks great. It looks like the system is “working”:

But in reality, the wins occur because the player uses progression. This involved increasing bet size after losses.

The problem is eventually you either reach the table limit, or run out of money. Then this happens:

Betting progression is like a loan that must be repaid, plus interest. It will keep you winning for a while even with random bets.

So can you just win for a while and leave when you’re “up”? Yes, if you’re a tourist and almost never play. But what if 100 tourists all did the same thing? 10 may leave with some profit, and 90 would be dead broke. The end result is the casino still profits.

Don’t think you can just have shorter sessions and always profit. Because sooner or later, you’ll lose all your winnings and more. Progression betting is not a viable strategy. It is ultimately no different to making a few large bets then accepting whatever the result.

The House Edge Explained

The “house edge” is what enables the casino to profit. An example is the European wheel has 37 pockets, but a 35-1 payout on single numbers. So if you win 1 in 37 as you’d expect with random bet selection, you’d be paid 35 units plus your original bet, leaving you with 36 units. But if roulette’s payouts were fair, you’d be left with 37 units after the 37 spins. Simply the house edge is unfair payouts. And it affects every bet and every roulette strategy. Even when you win, you are still getting paid unfairly.

The only way to overcome the house edge is to improve your odds of winning.

Some Players Win, Most Players Lose

I provide a free multiplayer roulette game at and the results for all players are at www.rouletteplayers.prg/leaderboard/

Currently there’s over 1,000 players. You can see how much they’ve won, how much they’ve lost, how many spins they’ve played, and the “win rate” (wins vs losses). A win rate of 1.0 means the player has broken even. The expected win rate is about 0.97 because of the house edge.

Here’s the top of the leaderboard:

For a player to rank higher, they need to have won more than they’ve lost, and done it over a more statistically significant amount of spins. So rankings are based on wins, losses, and amount of spins played. It isn’t based on wins vs losses alone because then anyone could get lucky on 5 spins and rank high.

You’ll notice that generally the more spins a player played, the lower their win rate. There are still some lucky players that have profited after a few thousand spins. The key question is does their system beat roulette, or are they just lucky? Well if you test virtually any system over 5,000 spins, sometimes it will profit. But most of the times it will have lost. So even with a random system, sometimes you will profit. But most of the time you’ll lose.

This is exactly how a real casino works. Most players lose. A few players win, and these players (and perhaps their friends) think the system truly works. The reality is their profits are just luck. Remember that even with random bets, it’s inevitable that some players will profit. Sometimes a losing system can get lucky and profit after 100,00 spins.

If you say you only need a system to win in “your lifetime of spins”, you aren’t paying attention. Remember there could be 100 players all playing 1,000 spins, which is 100,000 spins in total. From those 100 players, perhaps 47 will be winners, and 53 will be losers. Again most are losers. You have no way of controlling if you are one of the winners or losers. You are all using the same system, and the results depend entirely on whether you get “suitable spins” or not.

How To “Improve Your Odds” of Winning

Roulette odds are basically how often you expect to win. So if you bet on a single number on an American double zero wheel, you can expect to win 1 in 38 spins because there’s 38 numbers on the wheel. Therefore your odds of winning would be 1 in 38.

If you understand what I’ve written to this point, you’d understand the only way to win roulette consistently is by improving your odds. So how can you do this?

Best Strategy To Win At Casino

Well, think logically. What determines the winning number? The wheel and ball of course, and a variety of physical variables like wheel and ball speeds. So it makes sense that if you want to predict the winning number, you need to consider what is making the ball land where it does. In one word, “physics”.

It may sound complicated, but we’re not talking rocket science here. The physics of roulette is actually quite mundane and simple.

The Only Roulette Strategies That Concern Casinos

Casinos know their business better than average players. And casinos share information between other casinos. And the only strategies that concern casinos involve the application of physics. Casino staff call these strategies “advantage play”, simply because they increase the player’s odds of winning and give a legitimate advantage.

Strategies That Lose

If you’ve understood my explanations, you’ll know a losing strategy just by considering these things about it:

Best Strategy To Win At The Casinos

  • Does it attempt to predict the winning number?
  • Are it’s “betting triggers” based on legitimate physical variables that influence the winning number?
  • Does it rely on betting progression, or same-sized bets (flat bets)?
  • Does it use triggers that assume there some sort of balance will occur?
  • If losing streaks are rare, will they wipe out the bankroll?

See the page about how to test your roulette system. It teaches you how to properly test, without risking any money.

Well-known Strategies & Why They Lose

Perhaps applying the above knowledge to actual systems will help you understand why a system loses. Below are some well-known losing systems, and why they lose:

The Martingale

This is not a system for bet selection. It is just a betting progression where you double bet size after losses. Remember the wheel doesn’t care about your bet size. The odds don’t change. All you do with the Martingale is change bet size on different spins. Even when you win, you’ll still be paid an unfair amount. You can do well for a while, but eventually you’ll reach the maximum table bet and losses will rapidly compound.

TurboGenius Repeaters

TurboGenius is one of many roulette forum members who mislead others by winning on rigged and flawed online games. He avoided any reputable tests. His system involves betting on numbers that recently appeared more than once in a 37 spin cycle. It doesn’t work because every spin is independent, and previous spins have no affect on future spins.

Tier et Tout

This is a betting progression and money management strategy. Again it doesn’t consider the winning number at all. It doesn’t change the odds, and the player simply makes a variety of bets of a different size. It can be fun to play with, but is no different to random bets with random bet size.

Sales Win Strategy

John Solitude Raindrop Strategy

Best Strategy To Win At Casino Slots

This strategy is based on the principle of “balance”. So it expects that “eventually” you will win. It doesn’t work because knowing you will eventually win doesn’t allow you to select where to bet, at least in a way that improves your odds.

There are countless other losing strategies but you’ll find they are much the same, just repackaged a different way. I don’t mean any disrespect to the creators of these and other losing systems. It’s only my intention to help people understand how to develop a winning strategy. In fact it took me around 10 years of developing roulette systems before I had anything that worked, or even understood the basics of why my systems failed. So I understand the mind of the typical roulette player.

In the Simplest Terms Possible

1. The winning number is determined by real physical variables, like wheel and ball properties, spin spins etc.

2. If spins are random, the odds of winning are fixed. For example, if you bet on 0, you expect to win about 1 in 37 spins (on a single zero wheel)

3. The payouts never change. They are casino rules. For example, a win on a single number pays 35 -1.

4. The house edge is the casino’s advantage over you. It is simply unfair payouts when you do win.

5. Almost every system is based around junk like the law of a third, waiting for numbers to hit then betting, martingale progression etc. They lose because they don’t change the odds of winning. So the odds are unchanged, and the payouts are unchanged. The result is guaranteed long term loss. No betting progression changes it.

6. The average player has no idea of these simple fundamental facts, which is why they keep coming up with losing systems, again and again.

7. Everything in roulette is long term, unless you have detailed data that accounts for why the ball lands where it does (like dominant diamond, rotor speed, ball bounce). You cannot possibly test a system properly from a few minutes or even weeks of play. Proper testing requires months, otherwise a loss or win can be plain good or bad luck. So for proper testing to be practical, you need at least 50,000 recorded spins from a real wheel. The only exception is if you have supporting information to back up results, like dominant diamond, rotor speed, ball bounce (so you can plainly see all factors contributing to where the ball lands).

8. The ONLY way to beat roulette consistently is to increase the accuracy of predictions, AKA increase the odds of winning.

9. Most players will either flat ignore the above, or not have proper understanding of it. Professional players, players who aren’t new to roulette, or players who are reasonably intelligent, will understand the facts and wonder what other players are thinking.

Anyone can take or leave these simple facts.

Changing The Old Way Of Thinking

It is difficult to change old ways of thinking. Here I’ll explain everything in other terms, so you can see another perspective.

Let’s say you bet on a coin toss. If you win, I pay you $1. If you lose, you pay me $1. But now imagine if I only paid you $0.50 for wins. The odds of you winning haven’t changed, but the payout for you has changed. That’s what the “house edge” is.

So in this case, how can you profit?

The odds of you winning will always be 50/50. So you have a 50% chance of LOSING $1, and a 50% chance of WINNING $0.50. You can’t just double bet size after losses, because then all you do is increase the amount you risk. Sure you may get lucky and win, but what happens if you lose? You’ll lose big. So there is no escaping the unfair payouts UNLESS you know which side of the coin is more likely to appear. Then you would be changing the odds of winning. And if you won much more often than 50% of the time, then the unfair payout wont matter as much.

The Best Winning Roulette Strategies

Unfortunately the average website about winning roulette is full of rubbish. But at least now you may be better able to identify systems and strategies that are guaranteed to lose, without needing to test or even buy systems.

See the home page for a list of the best proven winning strategies. They all apply physics to predict the winning number and improve player odds.

The Two Best Strategies:

Roulette Computers ( Electronic devices that measure the speed or the wheel and ball to predict the winning number.

Cross-reference roulette system: Cross referencing is a type of analysis where all available data is considered, and used to detect usable patterns. What makes it special is the data cross-referenced to ensure accuracy. This enables the player to better find hidden patterns in spins, and in less time. Also it enables players to quickly adjust when conditions at the wheel change. The method of cross referencing is not exclusive to roulette, and can be applied to other casino games. But this particular roulette system is combined with other predictive methods that are exclusive to roulette.