Turlock Poker Room & Casino

DO NOT TRUST THIS PLACE!!! Unethical? Dishonest? poorly manage? even hostile? perhaps the best phrase to describe MY PERSONAL situation: 'SHADY!' I won a tournament for the 2006 $1500 WSOP tournament run by management at the TURLOCK POKER ROOM at their old location. It was understood and I was informed by management that I could either take cash equivalent or take seat. Long story short, I didn't collect (even though I told management to mail me a check) and I do bare some responsibility for not following through. Oh why, didn't I follow through? I have been given the cold shoulder ever since. Talk about a cooler! The only explanation given was that I needed to take the seat I won(and this is CLEARLY the case, I WON!) for that year...tough luck. I asked? why would a small( and I really do mean small-small minded, small outlook), local poker room want to betray a core principle: a friendly place for locals and regulars to to interact and enjoy a nice break around the poker table? Worst, betray one of those regular who help support the business consistently for years-through countless drops and tips(generous tip to dealers). Ownership and management really has lost sight of their identity. Congratulations on your new bigger and better locations. It's nice to know that you view..perhaps have always view the little guys as that: a stool used to step up on to enrich yourself and only yourself.


Turlock Poker Room Updates

THE National Poker Podcast Network. Monday, November 25, 2019 Hold'em Radio. Opened for business on June 1st, 2004, the Turlock Poker Room is a great venue for beginner, intermediate and professional players, where small-town friendlienss meets big-time action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. My husband & I always have a really good time when we go to Turlock Poker Room. We have been to dozens of poker rooms across the country & they have by far the best staff & service of any of them.